Emma Were

Hello and thanks for stopping by. I am the Founder and Clinical Director of Chatterbots Speech Pathology, and a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist.

I started Chatterbots with a goal of providing high quality, evidence-based therapy services in a way that is both fun and effective. Communication is such a fundamental part of life and connection, and I’m honoured to have the opportunity to improve the communication outcomes of the families we work with.  As a mother to 3 of my own children, I also understand that every child is unique, and our professional practice acknowledges and honours this.

I have been a practicing speech pathologist for more than 20 years and hold a Bachelor of Speech Pathology in Applied Science (Honours I).  Since completing my graduate studies in 2000, I have worked in a range of settings, including clinics, schools and home visiting services. In 2004, my love for travel took me to the UK, where I had the opportunity to work across London for a number of hospitals and community based services supporting children with feeding difficulties and complex communication needs. I also had the opportunity to support and build up a private Down Syndrome Clinic in London, working as part of a team with paediatricians, psychologists and occupational therapists, offering tertiary support to children and their families across the UK and abroad.

During my career, I have been fortunate to support many different children and families and have gained vast experience working with a wide range of communication difficulties, including speech difficulties, language disorders and issues with fluency (stuttering).  I am trained in Hanen ‘It Takes Two to Talk’, The Lidcombe Programme of Early Shuttering Intervention, Makaton Signing, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), as well as Sounds-Write, a linguistic-phonics program for reading and spelling.  I also have a particular interest in supporting children with literacy difficulties as well as behavioural and sensory feeding difficulties.

From small beginnings, the Chatterbots team now works actively with a significant number of families, schools and day-care centres.  While I continue to see a small number of clients directly, my primary focus is now to support our passionate and talented therapists to deliver the best communication outcomes to the families we serve.

Connect with us if you think we might be able to help.  We’d love to hear from you!